Residential extensions in London

If you’re looking for a bigger space, there’s no need to move – just extend and get more from what you have. TR Building is happy to help with any extensions in Central London and areas surrounding London. Whether you want more room to entertain your friends or have outgrown your kitchen, an extension is a great way to add more space.

Here at TR Building, we’ve been installing property extensions in numerous homes across North London, Central London, South London and surrounding areas for years and are here to discuss your options.

Property extension benefits

Property extensions are highly beneficial to families with limited internal spaces but have plenty of external space to spare. With extensions, you can:

  • Generate more space
  • Add value to your property
  • Save money as they’re cheaper than upsizing to a bigger house with less upheaval

Factors to consider

If you’re considering any type of extension, there are various factors to consider before installing one. For example, can your water and heating system handle the additional space? Extra space tends to strain your boiler, so you have to ensure it can take on the additional workload.

You should also consider planning permission, as you may need permission for certain builds. For example, if you want to move a sewer line, you may need permission from the water board. Similarly, be aware of your property boundaries before building an extension. This ensures you avoid and prevent disputes with your neighbours during your extension project. We can handle all these items for you to give you a hassle free project.

Reliable home extensions

TR Building offers hassle-free project delivery, giving you peace of mind. We are on board to answer all your questions and ensure your extension fully complies with all the current standards.

We work with a team of highly skilled and experienced experts and focus on delivering the highest quality service. We have built extensions for customers across Brixton, Bromley, Central London, Kensington and Essex.

If you’re thinking about an enlarged kitchen, additional bathroom, conservatory, porch, sunroom, annexe or other extensions, get in contact with our team today.

Reliable home extensions